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Numpy Operations

Below is the list of the data-parallel Numpy operators that Bodo can optimize and parallelize.

Numpy element-wise array operations

Unary operators

  • +
  • -
  • ~

Binary operators

  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • /?
  • %
  • |
  • >>
  • ^
  • <<
  • &
  • **
  • //

Comparison operators

  • ==
  • !=
  • <
  • <=
  • >
  • >=

Data-parallel math operations

  • numpy.add
  • numpy.subtract
  • numpy.multiply
  • numpy.divide
  • numpy.logaddexp
  • numpy.logaddexp2
  • numpy.true_divide
  • numpy.floor_divide
  • numpy.negative
  • numpy.positive
  • numpy.power
  • numpy.remainder
  • numpy.mod
  • numpy.fmod
  • numpy.abs
  • numpy.absolute
  • numpy.fabs
  • numpy.rint
  • numpy.sign
  • numpy.conj
  • numpy.exp
  • numpy.exp2
  • numpy.log
  • numpy.log2
  • numpy.log10
  • numpy.expm1
  • numpy.log1p
  • numpy.sqrt
  • numpy.square
  • numpy.reciprocal
  • numpy.gcd
  • numpy.lcm
  • numpy.conjugate

Trigonometric functions

  • numpy.sin
  • numpy.cos
  • numpy.tan
  • numpy.arcsin
  • numpy.arccos
  • numpy.arctan
  • numpy.arctan2
  • numpy.hypot
  • numpy.sinh
  • numpy.cosh
  • numpy.tanh
  • numpy.arcsinh
  • numpy.arccosh
  • numpy.arctanh
  • numpy.deg2rad
  • numpy.rad2deg
  • numpy.degrees
  • numpy.radians

Bit manipulation functions

  • numpy.bitwise_and
  • numpy.bitwise_or
  • numpy.bitwise_xor
  • numpy.bitwise_not
  • numpy.invert
  • numpy.left_shift
  • numpy.right_shift

Comparison functions

  • numpy.logical_and
  • numpy.logical_or
  • numpy.logical_xor
  • numpy.logical_not

Floating functions

  • numpy.isfinite
  • numpy.isinf
  • numpy.signbit
  • numpy.ldexp
  • numpy.floor
  • numpy.ceil
  • numpy.trunc

Numpy reduction functions

  • numpy.sum
  • numpy.min
  • numpy.max
  • numpy.argmin
  • numpy.argmax
  • numpy.all
  • numpy.any

Numpy array creation functions

  • numpy.empty
  • numpy.identity
  • numpy.zeros
  • numpy.ones
  • numpy.empty_like
  • numpy.zeros_like
  • numpy.ones_like
  • numpy.full_like
  • numpy.array
  • numpy.asarray
  • numpy.copy
  • numpy.arange
  • numpy.linspace
  • numpy.repeat only scalar num_repeats

Numpy array manipulation functions

  • numpy.shape
  • numpy.reshape

    shape values cannot be -1.

  • numpy.sort

  • numpy.concatenate
  • numpy.append
  • numpy.unique The output is assumed to be "small" relative to input and is replicated. Use Series.drop_duplicates() if the output should remain distributed.

  • numpy.where (1 and 3 arguments)

  • The default value for numeric/boolean types is 0/False. For all other types, the default is pd.NA. If any of the values in choicelist are nullable, or the default is pd.NA or None, the output will be a nullable pandas array instead of a numpy array.
  • numpy.nan_to_num converts infinity/NaN values to regular floats.
  • numpy.union1d
  • numpy.intersect1d no distributed support yet
  • numpy.setdiff1d no distributed support yet
  • numpy.hstack concatenates elements on each rank without maintaining order
  • numpy.tile Supported in 2 cases: the array is 2D and reps is in the form (1, x), or the array is 1D and reps is in the form (x, 1).

Numpy mathematical and statistics functions

  • numpy.cumsum
  • numpy.diff
  • numpy.percentile
  • numpy.quantile
  • numpy.median
  • numpy.mean
  • numpy.std
  • numpy.interp no distributed support yet.

Random number generator functions

  • numpy.random.rand
  • numpy.random.randn
  • numpy.random.ranf
  • numpy.random.random_sample
  • numpy.random.sample
  • numpy.random.random
  • numpy.random.standard_normal
  • numpy.random.multivariate_normal (must provide size)
  • numpy.random.chisquare
  • numpy.random.weibull
  • numpy.random.power
  • numpy.random.geometric
  • numpy.random.exponential
  • numpy.random.poisson
  • numpy.random.rayleigh
  • numpy.random.normal
  • numpy.random.uniform
  • numpy.random.beta
  • numpy.random.binomial
  • numpy.random.f
  • numpy.random.gamma
  • numpy.random.lognormal
  • numpy.random.laplace
  • numpy.random.randint
  • numpy.random.triangular function

  • between a matrix and a vector
  • numpy.dottwo vectors.

Numpy I/O

  • numpy.ndarray.tofile
  • numpy.fromfile

Our documentation on scalable I/O contains example usage and more system specific instructions.


  • Numpy array comprehension : e.g. : A = np.array([i**2 for i in range(N)])


Optional arguments are not supported unless if explicitly mentioned here. For operations on multi-dimensional arrays, automatic broadcast of dimensions of size 1 is not supported.

Numpy dot() Parallelization

The function has different distribution rules based on the number of dimensions and the distributions of its input arrays. The example below demonstrates two cases:

def example_dot(N, D):
    X = np.random.ranf((N, D))
    Y = np.random.ranf(N)
    w =, X)
    z =, w)
    return z.sum()

example_dot(1024, 10)

Here is the output of distributed_diagnostics():

Data distributions:
  $X.130               1D_Block
  $Y.131               1D_Block
  $b.2.158             REP

Parfor distributions:
  0                    1D_Block
  1                    1D_Block
  3                    1D_Block

Distributed listing for function example_dot, ../tmp/ (4)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| parfor_id/variable: distribution
@bodo.jit                         |
def example_dot(N, D):            |
    X = np.random.ranf((N, D))++++| #0: 1D_Block, $X.130: 1D_Block
    Y = np.random.ranf(N)+++++++++| #1: 1D_Block, $Y.131: 1D_Block
    w =, X)++++++++++++++| $b.2.158: REP
    z =, w)++++++++++++++| #3: 1D_Block
    return z.sum()                |

The first dot has a 1D array with 1D_Block distribution as first input Y), while the second input is a 2D array with 1D_Block distribution (X). Hence, dot is a sum reduction across distributed datasets and therefore, the output (w) is on the reduce side and is assigned REP distribution.

The second dot has a 2D array with 1D_Block distribution (X) as first input, while the second input is a REP array (w). Hence, the computation is data-parallel across rows of X, which implies a 1D_Block distribution for output (z).

Variable z does not exist in the distribution report since the compiler optimizations were able to eliminate it. Its values are generated and consumed on-the-fly, without memory load/store overheads.