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BodoSQL provides high performance and scalable SQL query execution using Bodo's HPC capabilities and optimizations. It also provides native Python/SQL integration as well as SQL to Pandas conversion for the first time.


In all but the most trivial cases, BodoSQL generates internal names to avoid conflicts in the intermediate dataframes. By default, BodoSQL does not rename the columns for the final output of a query using a consistent approach. For example the query:

bc.sql("SELECT SUM(A) FROM table1 WHERE B > 4")
Results in an output column named $EXPR0. To reliably reference this column later in your code, we highly recommend using aliases for all columns that are the final outputs of a query, such as:

bc.sql("SELECT SUM(A) as sum_col FROM table1 WHERE B > 4")


BodoSQL supports using aliases generated in SELECT inside GROUP BY and HAVING in the same query, but you cannot do so with WHERE

User Defined Functions (UDFs) and User Defined Table Functions (UDTFs)

BodoSQL supports using Snowflake UDFs and UDTFs in queries and views. To make UDFs and UDTFs available in BodoSQL, you must first register and define them inside your Snowflake account using the appropriate create function command. Once the function is created, so long as your user can access the function's metadata, BodoSQL can process queries that use the function.


A UDF is used like any other SQL function, except that there are two possible calling conventions.

MY_UDF(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

MY_UDF(name1=>arg1, name2=>arg2, ..., nameN=>argN)

When calling a function you must either pass all arguments positionally or by name (you cannot mix these). If you pass the arguments by name, then you can pass them in any order. For example, the following calls are are equivalent.

select my_udf(name1=>1, name2=>2) as A, my_udf(name2=>2, name1=>1) as B

When calling a UDTF you must wrap the function in a TABLE() call and then you may use the function anywhere a table can be used. For example:

select * from table(my_udtf(1))

To reference columns from another table in the UDTF, you can use a comma join, optionally alongside the lateral keyword. For example:

select * from my_table, table(my_udtf(N=>A))


select * from my_table, LATERAL(table(my_udtf(N=>A)))

Calling Convention Best Practices

When calling either a UDF or a UDTF, we strongly recommend always using the named calling convention. This is because UDFs support overloaded definitions and using distinct names is the safest way to ensure you are calling the correct function. For more information see this section of the Snowflake Documentation. Even if you are not currently using an overloaded function, we encourage this practice in case the function is overloaded in the future.


BodoSQL must be able to execute the UDF directly from its definition. To do this, BodoSQL needs to be able to both obtain the definition and execute it, producing the following requirements:

  • The function must be written in SQL.
  • All elements of the function body must be supported within BodoSQL.
  • The user executing Bodo must have access to any tables or views referenced within the function body.
  • The function must not be defined using the secure keyword.
  • The function must not be defined using the external keyword.

In addition, there are a couple other limitations to be aware of due to gaps in the available metadata:

  • At this time, we cannot support default values because the default is not stored in the metadata. These functions can still be executed by providing the default values.
  • Some special characters in argument names, especially commas or spaces, may not compile because they are not properly escaped within the Snowflake metadata.


BodoSQL supports UDFs and UDTFs by inlining the function body directly into the body of the query. This means that users of these functions should achieve the same performance as if they had written the function body directly into the query.

For complex UDFs or UDTFs, naively executing the function body may require producing a correlated subquery, an operation in which a query must be executed once per row in another table. This can cause a significant performance hit, so BodoSQL undergoes a process called decorrelation to rewrite the query in terms of much more efficient joins. If BodoSQL is not able to rewrite a query, then it will raise an error indicating a correlation could not be fully removed.

Overloaded Definition Priority

As mentioned above, Snowflake UDFs support overloaded definitions. This means that you can define the same function name multiple times with different argument signatures, and a function will be selected by determining the "best match", possibly through implicit casting.

BodoSQL supports this functionality, but if there is no exact match, then BodoSQL cannot guarantee equivalent Snowflake behavior. Snowflake states which implicit casts are legal, but it provides no promises as to which function will be selected in the case of multiple possible matches requiring implicit casts.

When BodoSQL encounters a UDF call, without an exact match, we look at the implicit cast priority of each possible UDF defintions as shown in the table below.

Source Type Target Option 1 Target Option 2 Target Option 3 Target Option 4 Target Option 5 Target Option 6 Target Option 7 Target Option 8 Target Option 9 Target Option 10

Here, the lower the option number, the higher the priority, with exact matches having priority 0 and being omitted. If there is no function with an exact match then we compute the closest signature by computing the "priority" of the required cast for each argument based on the above table and selecting the implementation with the smallest sum of distances. If we encounter a tie then we select the earliest defined function based on the metadata. While this may not match Snowflake in all situations, we have found that in common cases (e.g., differing by a single argument), this gives us behavior consistent with Snowflake.

However, as we add further type support or expand our UDF infrastructure, this matching system is subject to change. As a result, we strongly recommend using a unique name for each argument and only using the named calling convention to avoid any potential issues.

BodoSQL Caching & Parameterized Queries

BodoSQL can reuse Bodo caching to avoid recompilation when used inside a JIT function. BodoSQL caching works the same as Bodo, so for example:

def f(filename):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(filename)
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext({"TABLE1": df1})
    df2 = bc.sql("SELECT A FROM table1 WHERE B > 4")

This will avoid recompilation so long as the DataFrame scheme stored in filename has the same schema and the code does not change.

To enable caching for queries with scalar parameters that you may want to adjust between runs, we introduce a feature called parameterized queries. In a parameterized query, the SQL query replaces a constant/scalar value with a variable, which we call a named parameter. In addition, the query is passed a dictionary of parameters which maps each name to a corresponding Python variable.

For example, if in the above SQL query we wanted to replace 4 with other integers, we could rewrite our query as:

bc.sql("SELECT A FROM table1 WHERE B @var", {"var": python_var})

Now anywhere that @var is used, the value of python_var at runtime will be used instead. This can be used in caching, because python_var can be provided as an argument to the JIT function itself, thus enabling changing the filter without recompiling. The full example looks like this:

def f(filename, python_var):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(filename)
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext({"TABLE1": df1})
    df2 = bc.sql("SELECT A FROM table1 WHERE B @var", {"var": python_var})

Named parameters cannot be used in places that require a constant value to generate the correct implementation (e.g. TimeUnit in EXTRACT).


Named parameters are case sensitive, so @var and @VAR are different identifiers.

IO Handling

BodoSQL is great for compute based SQL queries, but you cannot yet access external storage directly from SQL. Instead, you can load and store data using Bodo and various Python APIs. Here we explain a couple common methods for loading data.

Pandas IO in JIT function with SQL Query

The most common way to load data is to first use Pandas APIs to load a DataFrame inside a JIT function and then to use that DataFrame inside a BodoSQLContext.

def f(f1, f2):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(f1)
    df2 = pd.read_parquet(f2)
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(
            "T1": df1,
            "T2": df2,
    return bc.sql("select t1.A, t2.B from t1, t2 where t1.C > 5 and t1.D = t2.D")

Pandas IO in a JIT Function Separate from Query

The previous approach works well for most individual queries. However, when running several queries on the same dataset, it should ideally be loaded once for all queries. To do this, you can structure your JIT code to contain a single load function at the beginning. For example:

def load_data(f1, f2):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(f1)
    df2 = pd.read_parquet(f2)
    return df1, df2

def q1(df1, df2):
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(
            "T1": df1,
            "T2": df2,
    return bc.sql("select t1.A, t2.B from t1, t2 where t1.C > 5 and t1.D = t2.D")


def run_queries(f1, f2):
    df1, df2 = load_data(f1, f2)
    print(q1(df1, df2))

run_queries(f1, f2)

This approach prevents certain optimizations, such as filter pushdown. However, the assumption here is that you will use the entire DataFrame across the various benchmarks, so no optimization is useful by itself. In addition, any optimizations that can apply to all queries can be done explicitly inside load_data. For example, if all queries are operate on a single day's data with df1, you can write that filter in load_data to limit IO and filter pushdown will be performed.

def load_data(f1, f2, target_date):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(f1)
    # Applying this filter limits how much data is loaded.
    df1 = df1[df1.date_val == target_date]
    df2 = pd.read_parquet(f2)
    return df1, df2

def run_queries(f1, f2, target_date):
    df1, df2 = load_data(f1, f2, target_date)

run_queries(f1, f2, target_date)

BodoSQLContext API

The BodoSQLContext API is the primary interface for executing SQL queries. It performs two roles:

  1. Registering data and connection information to load tables of interest.
  2. Forwarding SQL queries to the BodoSQL engine for compilation and execution. This is done via the bc.sql(query) method, where bc is a BodoSQLContext object.

A BodoSQLContext can be defined in regular Python and passed as an argument to JIT functions or can be defined directly inside JIT functions. We recommend defining and modifying a BodoSQLContext in regular Python whenever possible.

For example:

bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(
        "T1": bodosql.TablePath("my_file_path.pq", "parquet"),
        database name,

def f(bc):
    return bc.sql("select t1.A, t2.B from t1, catalogSchema.t2 where t1.C > 5 and t1.D = catalogSchema.t2.D")

API Reference

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext(tables: Optional[Dict[str, Union[pandas.DataFrame|TablePath]]] = None, catalog: Optional[DatabaseCatalog] = None)

    Defines a BodoSQLContext with the given local tables and catalog.


    • tables: A dictionary that maps a name used in a SQL query to a DataFrame or TablePath object.

    • catalog: A DatabaseCatalog used to load tables from a remote database (e.g. Snowflake).

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext.sql(self, query: str, params_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any] = None)

    Executes a SQL query using the tables registered in this BodoSQLContext. This function should be used inside a @bodo.jit function.


    • query: The SQL query to execute. This function generates code that is compiled so the query argument is required to be a compile time constant.
  • params_dict: A dictionary that maps a SQL usable name to Python variables. For more information please refer to the BodoSQL named parameters section.


    A DataFrame that results from executing the query.

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext.add_or_replace_view(self, name: str, table: Union[pandas.DataFrame, TablePath])

    Create a new BodoSQLContext from an existing BodoSQLContext by adding or replacing a table.


    • name: The name of the table to add. If the name already exists references to that table are removed from the new context.

    • table: The table object to add. table must be a DataFrame or TablePath object.


    A new BodoSQLContext that retains the tables and catalogs from the old BodoSQLContext and inserts the new table specified.


    This DOES NOT update the given context. Users should always use the BodoSQLContext object returned from the function call. e.g. bc = bc.add_or_replace_view("t1", table)

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext.remove_view(self, name: str)

    Creates a new BodoSQLContext from an existing context by removing the table with the given name. If the name does not exist, a BodoError is thrown.


    • name: The name of the table to remove.


    A new BodoSQLContext that retains the tables and catalogs from the old BodoSQLContext minus the table specified.


    This DOES NOT update the given context. Users should always use the BodoSQLContext object returned from the function call. e.g. bc = bc.remove_view("t1")

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext.add_or_replace_catalog(self, catalog: DatabaseCatalog)

    Create a new BodoSQLContext from an existing context by replacing the BodoSQLContext object's DatabaseCatalog with a new catalog.


    • catalog: The catalog to insert.


    A new BodoSQLContext that retains tables from the old BodoSQLContext but replaces the old catalog with the new catalog specified.


    This DOES NOT update the given context. Users should always use the BodoSQLContext object returned from the function call. e.g. bc = bc.add_or_replace_catalog(catalog)

  • bodosql.BodoSQLContext.remove_catalog(self)

    Create a new BodoSQLContext from an existing context by removing its DatabaseCatalog.


    A new BodoSQLContext that retains tables from the old BodoSQLContext but removes the old catalog.


    This DOES NOT update the given context. Users should always use the BodoSQLContext object returned from the function call. e.g. bc = bc.remove_catalog()

TablePath API

The TablePath API is a general purpose IO interface to specify IO sources. This API is meant as an alternative to natively loading tables in Python inside JIT functions. The TablePath API stores the user-defined data location and the storage type to load a table of interest. For example, here is some sample code that loads two DataFrames from parquet using the TablePath API.

bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(
        "T1": bodosql.TablePath("my_file_path1.pq", "parquet"),
        "T2": bodosql.TablePath("my_file_path2.pq", "parquet"),

def f(bc):
    return bc.sql("select t1.A, t2.B from t1, t2 where t1.C > 5 and t1.D = t2.D")

Here, the TablePath constructor doesn't load any data. Instead, a BodoSQLContext internally generates code to load the tables of interest after parsing the SQL query. Note that a BodoSQLContext loads all used tables from I/O on every query, which means that if users would like to perform multiple queries on the same data, they should consider loading the DataFrames once in a separate JIT function.

API Reference

  • bodosql.TablePath(file_path: str, file_type: str, *, conn_str: Optional[str] = None, reorder_io: Optional[bool] = None)

    Specifies how a DataFrame should be loaded from IO by a BodoSQL query. This can only load data when used with a BodoSQLContext constructor.


    • file_path: Path to IO file or name of the table for SQL. This must constant at compile time if used inside JIT.

    • file_type: Type of file to load as a string. Supported values are "parquet" and "sql". This must constant at compile time if used inside JIT.

    • conn_str: Connection string used to connect to a SQL DataBase, equivalent to the conn argument to pandas.read_sql. This must be constant at compile time if used inside JIT and must be None if not loading from a SQL DataBase.

  • reorder_io: Boolean flag determining when to load IO. If False, all used tables are loaded before executing any of the query. If True, tables are loaded just before first use inside the query, which often results in decreased peak memory usage as each table is partially processed before loading the next table. The default value, None, behaves like True, but this may change in the future. This must be constant at compile time if used inside JIT.

Database Catalogs

Database Catalogs are configuration objects that grant BodoSQL access to load tables from a remote database. For example, when a user wants to load data from Snowflake, a user will create a SnowflakeCatalog to grant BodoSQL access to their Snowflake account and load the tables of interest.

A database catalog can be registered during the construction of the BodoSQLContext by passing it in as a parameter, or can be manually set using the BodoSQLContext.add_or_replace_catalog API. Currently, a BodoSQLContext can support at most one database catalog.

When using a catalog in a BodoSQLContext we strongly recommend creating the BodoSQLContext once in regular Python and then passing the BodoSQLContext as an argument to JIT functions. There is no benefit to creating the BodoSQLContext in JIT and this could increase compilation time.

catalog = bodosql.SnowflakeCatalog(
    "DEMO_WH", # warehouse name
    "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA", # database name
bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext({"LOCAL_TABLE1": df1}, catalog=catalog)

def run_query(bc):
    return bc.sql("SELECT r_name, local_id FROM TPCH_SF1.REGION, local_table1 WHERE R_REGIONKEY = local_table1.region_key ORDER BY r_name")


Database catalogs can be used alongside local, in-memory DataFrame or TablePath tables. If a table is specified without a schema then BodoSQL resolves the table in the following order:

  1. Default Catalog Schema
  2. Local (in-memory) DataFrames / TablePath names

An error is raised if the table cannot be resolved after searching through both of these data sources.

This ordering indicates that in the event of a name conflict between a table in the database catalog and a local table, the table in the database catalog is used.

If a user wants to use the local table instead, the user can explicitly specify the table with the local schema __BODOLOCAL__.

For example:

SELECT A from __BODOLOCAL__.table1

Currently, BodoSQL supports catalogs Snowflake, but support for other data storage systems will be added in future releases.


The Snowflake Catalog offers an interface for users to connect their Snowflake accounts to use with BodoSQL. With a Snowflake Catalog, users only have to specify their Snowflake connection once, and can access any tables of interest in their Snowflake account. Currently, the Snowflake Catalog is defined to use a single DATABASE (e.g. USE DATABASE) at a time, as shown below.

catalog = bodosql.SnowflakeCatalog(
    "DEMO_WH", # warehouse name
    "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA", # database name
bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(catalog=catalog)

def run_query(bc):
    return bc.sql("SELECT r_name FROM TPCH_SF1.REGION ORDER BY r_name")


BodoSQL does not currently support Snowflake syntax for specifying defaults and session parameters (e.g. USING SCHEMA <NAME>). Instead users can pass any session parameters through the optional connection_params argument, which accepts a Dict[str, str] for each session parameter. For example, users can provide a default schema to simplify the previous example.

catalog = bodosql.SnowflakeCatalog(
    "DEMO_WH", # warehouse name
    "SNOWFLAKE_SAMPLE_DATA", # database name
    connection_params={"schema": "TPCH_SF1"}
bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext(catalog=catalog)

def run_query(bc):
    return bc.sql("SELECT r_name FROM REGION ORDER BY r_name")


Internally, Bodo uses the following connections to Snowflake:

  1. A JDBC connection to lazily fetch metadata.
  2. The Snowflake-Python-Connector's distributed fetch API to load batches of arrow data.

API Reference

  • bodosql.SnowflakeCatalog(username: str, password: str, account: str, warehouse: str, database: str, connection_params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)

    Constructor for SnowflakeCatalog. Allows users to execute queries on tables stored in Snowflake when the SnowflakeCatalog object is registered with a BodoSQLContext.


    • username: Snowflake account username.

    • password: Snowflake account password.

    • account: Snowflake account name.

    • warehouse: Snowflake warehouse to use when loading data.

    • database: Name of Snowflake database to load data from. The Snowflake Catalog is currently restricted to using a single Snowflake database.

    • connection_params: A dictionary of Snowflake session parameters.

Supported Query Types

The SnowflakeCatalog currently supports the following types of SQL queries:


Identifier Case Sensitivity

In BodoSQL all identifiers not wrapped in quotes are automatically converted to upper case. If you are a Snowflake user who is using either the Snowflake Catalog or Table Path API, then this should not impact you and the rules will be the same as Snowflake (i.e. identifiers are case-insensitive unless wrapped in quotes during table creation). See here for the Snowflake documentation..

This means that the following queries are equivalent:


When providing column or table names, identifiers will only match if the original name is in uppercase For example, the following code will fail to compile because there is no match for TABLE1:

def f(filename):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(filename)
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext({"table1": df1})
    return bc.sql("SELECT A FROM table1")

To match non-uppercase names you can use quotes to specify the name exactly as it appears in the BodoSQLContext definition or the columns of a DataFrame. For example:

def f(filename):
    df1 = pd.read_parquet(filename)
    bc = bodosql.BodoSQLContext({"table1": df1})
    return bc.sql("SELECT A FROM \"table1\"")

Similarly if you want an alias to be case sensitive then you will also need it to be wrapped in quotes:

SELECT A as "myIdentifier" FROM table1

If you provide DataFrames directly from Python or are using the TablePath API to load Parquet files, then please be advised that the column names will be required to match exactly and for ease of use we highly recommend using uppercase column names.

Performance Considerations

Snowflake Views

Users may define views within their Snowflake account to enable greater query reuse. Views may constitute performance bottlenecks because if a view is evaluated in Snowflake Bodo will need to wait for the result before it can fetch data and may have less access to optimizations.

To improve performance in these circumstances Bodo will attempt to expand any views into the body of the query to allow Bodo to operate on the underlying tables. When this occurs users should face no performance penalty for using views in their queries. However there are a few situations in which this is not possible, namely

  • The Snowflake User passed to Bodo does not have permissions to determine the view definition.
  • The Snowflake User passed to Bodo does not have permissions to read all of the underlying tables.
  • The view is a materalized or secure view.

If for any reason Bodo is unable to expand the view, then the query will execute treating the view as a table and delegate it to Snowflake.