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Deploying Bodo with Kubernetes

This section demonstrates an example showing how to deploy a Bodo application with Kubernetes. We deploy Bodo with the Kubeflow MPI-Operator, which enables resiliency in the case of Node Failure for long running Bodo applications.

Setting Up

You need the following to deploy your Bodo application using Kubernetes:

  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster.

    For this example, we'll use AWS EKS. See the section below on creating an EKS cluster to see how we set it up.

  • A Docker image containing the Bodo application scripts and their intended Bodo version made available on a Docker registry, so that Kubernetes can pull it.

    For this example, we created a Docker image using this Dockerfile and uploaded it to Docker Hub. It includes two Bodo applications:

    • can be used to validate your setup.
    • can be used to test a use-case with Bodo on a larger dataset.

    You can use this as a base image for your own Docker image. If you want to use a private registry, you can follow the instructions here.


Make sure to provide the correct CPU and Memory requests in the Helm or YAML file for your Bodo jobs. If correct values are not provided or the cluster doesn't have sufficient CPU or Memory required for the job, the job will be terminated and worker pods may keep respawning. You can get a good estimate of the CPU and Memory requirements by extrapolation from running the job locally on a smaller dataset.

Creating an EKS Cluster using KOPS

Here are the steps create an AWS EKS cluster using KOPS.

  • Install KOPS on your local machine:

    # Mac
    brew install kops
    # Linux
    curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64
    chmod +x kops-linux-amd64
    sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops
  • Create a location to store your cluster configuration:

    First you need to create an S3 bucket to use as your KOPS_STATE_STORE.

    export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=imesh.k8s.local
    export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://<your S3 bucket name>
  • Create your cluster:

    The following code block creates a cluster of 2 nodes each with 4 cores . You can modify the node-count argument to change the number of instances. To change the number of worker nodes, update node-size. You can deploy the cluster in a different AWS region and availability zone by modifying the zones argument.

    kops create cluster \
    --node-count=2 \
    --node-size=c5.2xlarge \
    --master-size=c5.large \
    --zones=us-east-2c \


    The parameter master-size refers to the leader that manages K8s but doesn’t do any Bodo computation, so you should keep the instance size small.

  • Finish creating the cluster with the following command.

    kops update cluster --name $KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME --yes --admin


    This might take several minutes to finish.

  • Verify that the cluster setup is finished by running:

    kops validate cluster

Deploying Bodo on a Kubernetes Cluster Using Helm

You can deploy Bodo applications on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm by following the steps outlined below.

  1. Clone the Bodo examples git repository.

    git clone
  2. Set up Helm and run your application.

    First, check if Helm is already installed in your system using

    helm version
    If it is not installed, then you can use this guide to set up Helm in your system. To run the example Bodo application, navigate to the repository and run the following command
    helm install <release-name> <helm-directory-path>
    For instance, you can run the following for the chicago_crimes example.
    helm install bodo-job-chicago-crime Kubernetes/helm
    This command will install the MPI-Job CRD and deploy a MPIJob which runs the Chicago Crimes Example.

    To run the chart with your job specification, navigate to the Kubernetes/helm folder, edit the values.yaml file, and run the above command.

  3. Retrieve the results.

    When the job finishes running, your launcher pod will change its status to completed, and any information published to stdout can be found in the logs of the launcher pod:

    PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods -o=name)
    kubectl logs -f ${PODNAME}


  • If you want to remove the job, run
    helm uninstall <release-name>
  • If you want to delete the MPI-Operator CRD, run the command
    kubectl delete -f Kubernetes/helm/crds/mpi-operator.yaml

Deploying Bodo on a Kubernetes Cluster Manually

  1. Install MPIJob Custom Resource Definitions(CRD)

    The most up-to-date installation guide is available at MPI-Operator Github. This example was tested using v0.3.0, as shown below:

    git clone --branch v0.3.0
    cd mpi-operator
    kubectl apply -f deploy/v2beta1/mpi-operator.yaml

    You can check whether the MPI Job custom resource is installed via:

    kubectl get crd

    The output should include like the following:

    NAME                   CREATED AT   2022-01-03T21:19:10Z
  2. Run your Bodo application.

    1. Define a kubernetes resource for your Bodo workload, such as the one defined in mpijob.yaml that runs the Chicago Crimes example. You can modify it based on your cluster configuration:

      1. Update spec.slotsPerWorker with the number of physical cores (not vCPUs) on each node
      2. Set spec.mpiReplicaSpecs.Worker.replicas to the number of worker nodes in your cluster.
      3. Build the image using the Dockerfile or use bodoaidocker/kube-mpioperator-minimal and replace the image at spec.mpiReplicaSpecs.Launcher.template.spec.containers.image and spec.mpiReplicaSpecs.Worker.template.spec.containers.image.
      4. Check the container arguments is referring to the python file you have intended to run
            - mpirun
            - -n
            - "8"
            - python
            - /home/mpiuser/
      5. Lastly, make sure -n is equal to spec.mpiReplicaSpecs.Worker.replicas multiplied by spec.slotsPerWorker, i.e. the total number of physical cores on your worker nodes.
    2. Run the example by deploying it in your cluster with kubectl create -f mpijob.yaml. This should add 1 pod to each worker and a launcher pod to your master node.

    3. View the generated pods by this deployment with kubectl get pods. You may inspect any logs by looking at the individual pod's logs.
  3. Retrieve the Results.

    When the job finishes running, your launcher pod will change its status to completed and any stdout information can be found in the logs of the launcher pod:

    PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods -o=name)
    kubectl logs -f ${PODNAME}


  • When a job has finished running, you can remove it by running kubectl delete -f mpijob.yaml.
  • If you want to delete the MPI-Operator crd, please follow the steps on the MPI-Operator Github repository.