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Troubleshooting Guide

Here are solutions to potential issues you may encounter while using the Bodo Cloud Platform.

Notebook: 403 Forbidden


This error is typically caused by an incorrect token, often occurring when a token is cached from accessing a different workspace. There are two recommended workarounds:

First, attempt to resolve the issue by navigating back to the organization using the left menu Back to Organization. Once there, re-enter the workspace.

If the problem persists, try clearing your web browser's cache and then logging in to Bodo Platform once more.

Notebook: 404 Not Found / 502 Bad Gateway


If for some reason My Notebook is displaying error code 404 / 502, you should try to update and then restart the notebook server using left menu. If this does not help, please contact us for further assistance.

Notebook: File Save Error


If you get a file save error with message invalid response: 413 make sure your notebook (.ipynb) file is less than 16MB in size. Bodo Platform does not support notebook files larger than 16MB in size. To reduce file size don't print large sections of text and clear output cells by clicking Edit > Clear All Outputs in the notebook interface.

Account Locked Error


When you login to the platform, if you get an account locked error with message User is locked out. To unlock user, please contact your administrators, this means that your account has been dormant (no login in more than 90 days). Please contact us to unlock your account.