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Configuring Bodo Enterprise Edition

Bodo Enterprise Edition allows unrestricted use of Bodo on any number of cores. Ensure you have installed Bodo before configuring Bodo Enterprise Edition.

License Key

Bodo Enterprise Edition requires a license key to run. The key can be provided in two ways:

  • Through the environment variable BODO_LICENSE
  • A file called bodo.lic in the current working directory

In both cases, the file or environment variable must contain the key exactly as provided.

If Bodo cannot find the license, you will only be able to run Bodo on up to 8 cores. If you try to run Bodo on more than 8 cores and if Bodo cannot find the license (the environment variable does not exist or is empty, and no license file is found), it will exit with the Bodo license not found error.

If the contents of the license key are invalid, Bodo will exit with the Invalid license error. This typically means that the key is missing data or contains extraneous characters.

Please make sure the license file has not been modified, or that the environment variable contains the key verbatim. Note that some shells might append extra characters when displaying the file contents. A good way to export the key is this:

export BODO_LICENSE=`cat bodo.lic`

Automated BODO_LICENSE environment variable Setup

You can automate setting of the BODO_LICENSE environment variable in your ~/.bashrc script (or the ~/.zshrc script for macOS) using:

echo 'export BODO_LICENSE="<COPY_PASTE_THE_LICENSE_HERE>"' >> ~/.bashrc

For more fine-grained control and usage with the Bodo conda environment as created when installing bodo, we recommend the following steps to automate setting the BODO_LICENSE environment variable (very similar to these steps):

  1. Ensure that you are in the correct conda environment.

  2. Navigate to the $CONDA_PREFIX directory and create some additional conda environment activation and deactivation steps:

    mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d
    mkdir -p ./etc/conda/deactivate.d
    touch ./etc/conda/activate.d/
    touch ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/
  3. Edit ./etc/conda/activate.d/ as follows:

  4. Similarly, edit ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/ as follows:

    unset BODO_LICENSE
  5. Deactivate (conda deactivate) and reactivate the Bodo conda environment (conda activate Bodo) to ensure that the environment variable BODO_LICENSE is automatically added when the environment is activated.

Using MPI in Clusters with Bodo Enterprise Edition

MPI can be configured on clusters easily. The cluster nodes need to have passwordless SSH enabled between them, and there should be a host file listing their addresses (see an example tutorial here). MPI usually needs to be configured to launch one process per physical core for best performance. This avoids potential resource contention between processes due to the high efficiency of MPI. For example, a cluster of four nodes, each with 16 physical cores, would use 64 MPI processes:

mpiexec -n 64 python

For cloud instances, one physical core usually corresponds to two vCPUs. For example, an instance with 32 vCPUs has 16 physical cores.

Setting up passwordless SSH on your multi-node cluster

Using MPI on a multi-node cluster requires setting up passwordless SSH between the hosts. There are multiple ways to do this. Here is one way:

  1. Generate an SSH key pair using a tool like ssh-keygen, for instance:

    ssh-keygen -b 2048 -f cluster_ssh_key -N ""
  2. Copy over the generated private key (cluster_ssh_key) and public key ( to all the hosts and store them in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ respectively.

  3. Add the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on all hosts.

  4. To disable host key checking, add the following to ~/.ssh/config on each host:

    Host *
        StrictHostKeyChecking no