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Bodo 2024.8 Release (Date: 8/6/2024)

New Features:

  • Expanded decimal support:
    • Added native decimal support for addition/subtraction.
    • Added native decimal support for MEDIAN with GROUP BY.
    • Added native decimal support for the following numeric functions: ATAN, ATAN2, ATANH, COS, COSH, COT, DEGREES, RADIANS, SIN, SINH, TAN, TANH, EXP, POWER, LOG, LN, SQRT, SQUARE, ROUND, ABS, DIV0, SIGN.
    • Support for binary operations between decimal and integer.
  • Extended use of low-ndv IN join filters to Iceberg.
  • Generate Join Filters with empty build tables and Snowflake IO.
  • Support for Join Filters with Interval Joins.
  • Streaming support for several more aggregate patterns, especially with PIVOT.
  • Streaming support for grouping sets without the empty set.
  • Support Create Table As Select (CTAS) with TABLE COMMENTS, COLUMN COMMENTS, and TBLPROPERTIES for Iceberg.

Performance Improvements:

  • Revamp shuffle in SQL join and groupby to use non-blocking MPI which can improve performance significantly.
  • Improved streaming performance for more rank window functions (RANK, PERCENT_RANK, CUME_DIST, ROW_NUMBER).
  • Added streaming support for MAX(X) OVER (), MIN(X) OVER (), SUM(X) OVER (), and COUNT(X) OVER ().
  • Expanded sort for the streaming sort based implementation of window functions to all array types.
  • Started decomposing AVG, var/std functions, covar functions, and CORR into combinations of sum/count to both allow for decimal support, and also allow for increased re-use of computations when multiple such functions are present.
  • Significant improvements to Iceberg Scan Planning performance such as fetching the parquet metadata in parallel.
  • Improved shuffle performance for variable length types (string/array).
  • Improved BodoSQL’s ability to prune empty plan sections.
  • Improved performance of decimal to string and decimal to double casting.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug related to string columns in streaming join sometimes causing segmentation faults.
  • Fixed bug when calling DATEADD (and similar functions) with month/quarter/year units when the input date was a leapday.
  • Fixed bug in verbose mode that would cause incorrect timer information to be displayed for non-streaming rel nodes.
  • Fixed bug writing where writing to an iceberg table with a non-iceberg type (int8/uint8) caused an error instead of an upcast.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause SHOW TABLES commands to error when the tables had a large number of rows/bytes.
  • Fixed a bug in comparisons for elements of nested arrays with dictionary-encoded data.

Dependency Upgrades:

  • Upgraded to Numba 0.60.

2024.8.1 New Features and Improvements

New Features:

  • Added support for storage account name and storage account key and VM-identities when using Azure.
  • Added support for SUM on decimals when invoked as a window function or a regular aggregation without groupby.
  • Added support for FACTORIAL, CEIL, FLOOR, ROUND, and TRUNC on decimals.
  • Added support for DIV0NULL.

Performance Improvements:

  • SQL Planner improvements to better handle use of NDV values and nullability of functions.
  • Ensured BodoSQL now decomposes VAR_POP, VAR_SAMP, STDDEV_POP, STDDEV_SAMP, COVAR_POP, COVAR_SAMP and CORR into combinations of SUM and COUNT to improve re-use of computations across multiple functions.
  • Added streaming support for AVG(X) OVER () and COUNT(*) OVER ().
  • Added streaming support for SUM as a window function when there are partitions but no frames.
  • Improved performance of reading string columns for Iceberg tables. This is only available on the Bodo Cloud Platform at this stage.
  • Improved robustness when pushing down very large IN queries with Iceberg.
  • Enabled pruning an entire Iceberg table via a JoinFilter with an empty build table.
  • Enabled rewriting COUNT(DISTINCT) to use an internal optimization via grouping sets that allows more equal work distribution across cores.
  • Improve performance of reading small Iceberg tables.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug enabling streaming for CUME_DIST and PERCENT_RANK when there are no partition columns.
  • Arrays of tuple values are now returned to regular Python properly as arrays of tuples instead of arrays of structs.
  • Fixed bugs that prevented compiling complex nested UDF inlining cases.

Dependency Upgrades:

  • Upgraded to Calcite 1.37.
  • Upgraded to Arrow 17.