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pandas.Series.astype(dtype, copy=True, errors="raise", _bodo_nan_to_str=True)

Supported Arguments

argument datatypes other requirements
  • String (string must be parsable by np.dtype)
  • Valid type (see types)
  • The following functions: float, int, bool, str
Must be constant at Compile Time
copy Boolean Must be constant at Compile Time
_bodo_nan_to_str Boolean
  • Must be constant at Compile Time
  • Argument unique to Bodo. When True NA values in when converting to string are represented as NA instead of a string representation of the NA value ''), the default Pandas behavior.

Example Usage

>>> @bodo.jit
... def f(S):
...     return S.astype(np.float32)
>>> S = pd.Series(np.arange(1000))
>>> f(S)
0        0.0
1        1.0
2        2.0
3        3.0
4        4.0
995    995.0
996    996.0
997    997.0
998    998.0
999    999.0
Length: 1000, dtype: float32