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Performance Considerations

This section discusses some factors which affect performance when using BodoSQL.

Snowflake Views

Users may define views within their Snowflake account to enable greater query reuse. Views may constitute performance bottlenecks because if a view is evaluated in Snowflake Bodo will need to wait for the result before it can fetch data and may have less access to optimizations.

To improve performance in these circumstances Bodo will attempt to expand any views into the body of the query to allow Bodo to operate on the underlying tables. When this occurs users should face no performance penalty for using views in their queries. However there are a few situations in which this is not possible, namely

  • The Snowflake User passed to Bodo does not have permissions to determine the view definition.
  • The Snowflake User passed to Bodo does not have permissions to read all of the underlying tables.
  • The view is a materialized or secure view.

If for any reason Bodo is unable to expand the view, then the query will execute treating the view as a table and delegate it to Snowflake.

Vectorized Execution

Bodo uses a vectorized query execution model for SQL queries. In this model, the query plan is split into several stages or pipelines, each comprised of multiple operators. Each operator of the pipeline performs computations on batches of data and passes on the result to the next operator. This enables several performance and reliability benefits:

  • It is possible to overlap compute and I/O. When reading data, BodoSQL can start executing compute tasks on the chunks of data that have been read while the rest is waiting on I/O. Similarly, BodoSQL can start writing the chunks of data that have finished being computed while the rest is still in progress.
  • There is increased CPU cache locality when working on smaller chunks, potentially increasing runtime performance.
  • This prevents out-of-memory (OOM) errors for most use cases. For example, in simple aggregations, data can be read and aggregated incrementally, instead of needing to read all the data and then performing the aggregation on the entire table.

For operators like Join, Aggregate, Sort and some Window functions, we use specialized operators that can spill to disk for reliable execution even when the intermediates are too big to fit in memory.

Note that not every operator in BodoSQL fully supports vectorized execution yet. Some operations still require BodoSQL to have the entire data in main memory before starting any compute.

The best way to determine if a query is using vectorized execution in BodoSQL is to check the query plan with bc.generate_plan(query). BodoSQL generates two special RelNodes when it needs to break vectorized execution: CombineStreamsExchange is used to gather the chunked batches of data into a single in-memory table (potentially causing an OOM error if the table is big enough) so that whatever operators occur next can operate on the non-streamed data, and SeparateStreamsExchange is used to split up such a table back into multiple chunks so that subsequent operators can use vectorized execution.

For example, consider the abstract BodoSQL plan below:


At runtime, BodoSQL will perform the table scan in batches, and as it receives each batch it will combine them into a single table. Once that singular table has been created, the operation described by NodeB is run on the entire table. Afterward, the output of NodeB is split up into smaller chunks that are fed into NodeA, which processes each chunk one at a time. Finally, the output of NodeA is fed into the table create operation, which writes each chunk as it receives it rather than waiting for NodeA to finish processing every chunk.

Some notable examples of operations that do not currently use vectorized execution:

  • Some set operators (INTERSECT and MINUS).
  • Aggregations without GROUP BY.

Additionally, BodoSQL's support for vectorized execution of window functions is a limited and experimental feature.