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The groupby method is used to group data in a DataFrame or Series based on a given column or index level. The grouped data can then be aggregated, transformed, or filtered using various methods.

Bodo supports the following groupby methods:

Function Description
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.agg Compute aggregation using one or more operations over the specified axis.
pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby.aggregate Compute aggregation using one or more operations over the specified axis.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.apply Apply a function to each group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.count Count non-NA cells for each column or row.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.cumsum Compute the cumulative sum of the values.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.first Compute the first value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.head Return the first n rows of each group.
pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby.idxmax Compute the index of the maximum value.
pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby.idxmin Compute the index of the minimum value.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.last Compute the last value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.max Compute the maximum value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.mean Compute the mean value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.median Compute the median value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.min Compute the minimum value of the group.
pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby.nunique Compute the number of unique values in the group.
pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby.ngroup Compute a unique index number for each group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.pipe Apply a function to each group. Compute the product of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.rolling Provide rolling window calculations.
pd.Series.groupby Group series using a mapper or by a series of columns.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.shift Shift the group by a number of periods.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.size Compute group sizes.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.std Compute the standard deviation of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.sum Compute the sum of the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.transform Apply a function to each group.
pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy.value_counts Count unique values in the group.
pd.core.groupby.Groupby.var Compute the variance of the group.