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Spark Examples

Bodo offers simplicity and maintainability of Python codes while unlocking orders of magnitude performance improvement. Spark APIs are usually equivalent to simpler Python/Pandas APIs, which are automatically parallelized by Bodo. This section aims to assist spark users with their transition to Bodo. Here, we show the most common data wrangling methods in PySpark and Pandas through brief code examples. We used the COVID-19 World Vaccination Progress dataset that can be downloaded from Kaggle. If you want to execute the code as shown below, make sure that you have Bodo installed. Here is a list of examples.

Environment Setup

With Bodo:

import bodo
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 
With PySpark:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Migration From Spark") \

Load Data

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def load_data():
df = pd.read_csv('country_vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csv')
    return df

df = load_data()

With PySpark:

data ='country_vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csv', header = True)

Display the Schema of the DataFrame

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def schema(df):


With PySpark:


Change Data Types of the DataFrame

With Bodo:

    @bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
    def load_data():
        df = pd.read_csv('country_vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csv', 
                         dtype = {'location' : 'str', 'vaccine' : 'str',
                                  'total_vaccinations' : 'Int64'}, 
        return df

    df = load_data()

With PySpark:

from pyspark.sql.types import StructField,IntegerType, StringType, DateType, StructType

new_schema = [StructField('location', StringType(), True),
              StructField('date', DateType(), True), 
              StructField('vaccine', StringType(), True),
              StructField('total_vaccinations', IntegerType(), True)]

data ='country_vaccinations_by_manufacturer.csv', header = True,
                  schema = StructType(fields = new_schema))

Display the Head of the DataFrame

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def head_data(df):

With PySpark:

Select Columns from the DataFrame

With Bodo:

    @bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_columns'])
    def load_data(df):
    df_columns = df[['location', 'vaccine']]
        return df_columns

    df_columns = load_data(df)

With PySpark:

    data_columns ='location', 'vaccine').show()

Show the Statistics of the DataFrame

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def get_describe(df):


With Pyspark:


Drop Duplicate Values

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_cleaned'])
def drop(df):
    df_cleaned = df.drop_duplicates()
    return df_cleaned

df_cleaned = drop(df)

With Pyspark:


Missing Values

Count NA

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def count_na(df):


With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, col[count(when(isnan(c) | col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in df_s.columns]).show()

Drop NA

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_valid'])
def drop_na(df):
    df_valid = df.dropna(how ='any')
    return df_valid

df_valid = drop_na(df)

With Pyspark:

data_valid = data.dropna(how='any')

Replace NA

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_filled'])
def replace_na(df):
    df_filled = df.fillna(0)
    return df_filled

df_filled = replace_na(df)

With Pyspark:

data_replaced = = 0)

DateTime Manipulation

Convert String to Datetime :

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def convert_date(df):
    df['record_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    return df

df = convert_date(df)

With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.types import DateType

data = data.withColumn("record_date", data["date"].cast(DateType()))

Extract Day / Month / Year from Datetime :

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def extract_date(df):


With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import year

Filter Data Based on Conditions

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_filtered'])
def sort_data(df):
    df_filtered = df[df.vaccine =='Pfizer/BioNTech']
    return df_filtered

df_filtered = sort_data(df)

With Pyspark:

data_filtered = data.where(data.vaccine =='Pfizer/BioNTech')

Aggregation Functions: (sum, count, mean, max, min, etc)

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def group_by(df):
    print(df.groupby('location').agg({'total_vaccinations' : 'sum'}))


With Pyspark:

data.groupBy('location').agg({'total_vaccinations' : 'sum'}).show()

Sort Data

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_sorted'])
def sort_data(df):
    df_sorted = df.sort_values(by = ['total_vaccinations'], ascending=False)
    return df_sorted

df_sorted = sort_data(df)

With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from pyspark.sql.functions import desc 

data_sorted = data.withColumn("total_vaccinations", col("total_vaccinations") 

Rename Columns

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df', 'df_renamed'])
def rename_column(df):
    df_renamed = df.rename(columns = {'location' : 'country'}, inplace = True)

    return data_renamed

df_renamed = rename_column(df)

With Pyspark:

data_renamed = data.withColumnRenamed("location","country").show()

Create New Columns

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def create_column(df):
    df['doubled'] = 2 * df['total_vaccinations']
    return df

df = create_column(df)

With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

data = data.withColumn("doubled", 2*col("total_vaccinations")).show()

User-Defined Functions

With Bodo:

@bodo.jit(distributed = ['df'])
def udf(df):
    df['new_column'] = df['location'].apply(lambda x: x.upper())
    return df

df = udf(df)

With Pyspark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType

pyspark_udf = udf(lambda x: x.upper(), StringType())
data = data.withColumn("new_column", pyspark_udf(df_s.location)).show()

Create a DataFrame

With Bodo:

def create():
    df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 2], 'label': ["one", "two"]})
    return df

df = create()

With Pyspark:

data = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "one"),(2, "two"),],["id", "label"])

Export the Data

With Bodo:

def export_data():
    df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1, 2], 'label': ["one", "two"]})
    df_pandas = df.to_csv('pandas_data.csv')
    return df_pandas


With Pyspark:

df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "one"),(2, "two"),],["id", "label"])
df_spark.write.csv("df_spark.csv", header = True)
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