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Troubleshooting Managed Bodo Cloud Platform Issues on AWS

Here are solutions to potential issues you may encounter while using the Bodo Cloud Platform.

Cluster Creation Fails

Most of cluster creation failures are usually due to one of the following:

  • Your account hits AWS resource limits such as limits on the number of VPCs and EC2 instances
  • Your AWS credentials do not have the required permissions (see how to set aws credentials)
  • AWS does not have enough of the requested resources (such as some of the large EC2 instances)

In case of failure, the logs are made available on the platform and should provide some details regarding why the failure occurred. Even though cluster creation was not successful, some AWS resources may still have been provisioned. Click on the delete icon to remove all the created resources, otherwise you may incur charges for the provisioned AWS resources. You can try to create a cluster again after addressing the underlying issue such as increasing limits or providing AWS credentials with the required permissions.

Cluster Deletion Fails

Failures during cluster deletion are very rare and usually only occur when the provisioned resources have been manually modified in some way. In these cases, logs are provided to help you diagnose the issue. For instance, if logs indicate that some resource cannot be deleted due to a dependent resource, you can try to delete the resource manually through the AWS Management Console and try to remove the cluster through the platform again.

Cleanup Shared Resources Manually

As described in the [AWS account cleanup section][aws_account_cleanup], an option to remove organization level shared resources provisioned by Bodo in your AWS environment is provided. If you need to remove resources manually (e.g. the process fails), below is the list of organization level resources and the order to remove them.


Please ensure that you have removed all clusters and related resources before proceeding. Deleting the resources listed below may result in the platform losing access to those clusters for removal in the future.

The resources should be easy to identify within their respective sections on the AWS Management Console since their names are all prefixed with bodo.

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console. Sign in if you are not already signed in. Make sure you have selected the region from which you want to remove the shared resources.

  2. Click on Services in the top-right corner. Navigate to the EC2 section (under Compute) and then to Network Interfaces in the sidebar (under Network & Security). You will see two Network Interfaces. One of them is required for an EFS Mount (shared storage), and the other is required by a NAT Gateway. These dependent resources need to be removed first.

    a. Click on Services and navigate to the EFS section (under Storage). Click on File Systems in the sidebar. Delete the File System prefixed with bodo by selecting it and clicking on Delete. b. Click on Services and navigate to the VPC section (under Networking & Content Delivery). Select NAT Gateways in the sidebar (under Virtual Private Cloud). Select the NAT Gateway prefixed with bodo and delete it.

    Navigate back to Network Interfaces in the EC2 section and ensure that the two ENIs are deleted (or have the status available). This may take a few minutes in some cases.

  3. Click on Services and navigate to the VPC section (under Networking & Content Delivery). Select Your VPCs in the sidebar (under Virtual Private Cloud). Select the VPC prefixed with bodo and delete it. If there is a dependency warning, wait for a few minutes and try again. You can also try to delete the linked dependent resources manually if it does not resolve on its own.

  4. Click on Services in the top-right corner. Navigate to the EC2 section (under Compute) and select Elastic IPs in the sidebar (under Network & Security). Select the EIP prefixed with bodo and select Release Elastic IP addresses under Actions.

  5. Click on Services in the top-right corner. Navigate to the Key Management Service (KMS) section (under Security, Identity, & Compliance) and select Customer managed keys in the sidebar. Click on the key prefixed with bodoai-kms. Go to the Aliases tab. There should be a single alias defined. Select this alias and delete it. Next, click on Key actions (top-right) and select Schedule key deletion.


    Reduce the Waiting period from 30 days to 7 days.

    Next, check Confirm that you want to delete this key in XX days and click on Schedule deletion.

  6. Finally, click on Services in the top-right corner and navigate to Systems Manager (under Management & Governance). Select Parameter Store from sidebar. Look for parameters prefixed with /<EXTERNAL_ID>, where EXTERNAL_ID is the same as the External ID visible on the Settings page on the Bodo Platform (see [how to create an iam role manually][create_iam_role_manually]). Select all these parameter entries and delete them.

The steps above should remove the organization level resources provisioned by Bodo in your AWS environment.