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Bodo Managed Cloud Platform on Azure

Setting Azure Credentials

To use Bodo on Azure, you need to link your Azure account to the Bodo platform. This can be done using the Cloud Configuration page in the left bar as shown in the picture below:


In order to use the Bodo Platform to launch clusters and notebooks, you must grant it permission to access your Azure account and provision the required resources in it. You can do this by creating a Service Principal for the Bodo Platform application and assigning a role to it.

Create a Service Principal

Login to your Azure Portal. Click on the icon next to the search bar to open a Cloud-Shell. Execute the following command to create a service principal:

az ad sp create --id APP_ID

where APP_ID is the Application ID for Bodo-Platform which is displayed on the Cloud Configuration Form.

Create SP on Azure Portal

Once you have created a service principal, you need to assign a role to it. As shown below, go to the IAM section of your resource group and add a Contributor Role and Storage Blob Data Contributor Role to the service principal you created for the Bodo Platform Application.

Assign SP a Role

Once you have created the service principal and assigned a role to it, you are now ready to fill the Cloud Configuration Form on the Bodo Platform.

Cloud Configuration Page Azure

  1. Enter your Azure subscription ID in the Subscription ID field. You can find this in the Subscription Overview.

    Azure subscription ID

  2. Enter your Azure Tenant ID in the Tenant ID field. You can find this in Azure AD.

    Azure Tenant ID

  3. Enter the name of the resource group where the infrastructure should be deployed.

  4. Select a region from the dropdown list. This region refers to the region of the resource group mentioned in the previous step. We will also create a storage account and a blob container in this region to store metadata such as the state of the deployed infrastructure, logs, etc.

  5. Click on CREATE.


We highly recommend that you ensure sufficient limits on your Azure subscription to launch resources. See here for the resources required for Bodo Cloud Platform.

Required Resource Providers on Azure subscription

Ensure that the following resource providers are registered on your Azure subscription:

  • Microsoft.Authorization
  • Microsoft.Compute
  • Microsoft.KeyVault
  • Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
  • Microsoft.Network
  • Microsoft.Resources
  • Microsoft.Storage

Azure Required Resource Providers

Resources Created in Your Azure Environment

Bodo deploys cluster/notebook resources in your own Azure environment to ensure security of your data. Below is a list of Azure resources that the Bodo Platform creates in your account to enable clusters and notebooks.

Azure Service Purpose
Virtual Machines Cluster/notebook workers
Storage Accounts, File-Shares Shared file system for clusters
Virtual Network with Subnets and NAT Gateway, Public IP, NIC, Proximity Placement Groups, Availability Sets, Security Groups, ... Secure networking for clusters/notebooks
Blob Containers, Resource states
KeyVault Cluster secrets (e.g. SSH keys)
VM Identity for Clusters Allow cluster workers to access resources above


These resources incur additional Azure infrastructure charges and are not included in the Bodo Platform charges.

Using Bodo Platform

Check the following link on how to use the Bodo Platform once the cloud credentials are added.

Bodo Cloud Platform