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The PIVOT clause is used to transpose specific data rows in one or more columns into a set of columns in a new DataFrame:

SELECT col1, ..., colN FROM table_name PIVOT (
    AGG_FUNC_1(colName or pivotVar) AS alias1, ...,  AGG_FUNC_N(colName or pivotVar) as aliasN
    FOR pivotVar IN (ROW_VALUE_1 as row_alias_1, ..., ROW_VALUE_N as row_alias_N)
PIVOT produces a new column for each pair of pivotVar and aggregation functions.

For example:

SELECT single_sum_a, single_avg_c, triple_sum_a, triple_avg_c FROM table1 PIVOT (
    SUM(A) AS sum_a, AVG(C) AS avg_c
    FOR A IN (1 as single, 3 as triple)
Here single_sum_a will contain sum(A) where A = 1, single_avg_c will contain AVG(C) where A = 1 etc.

If you explicitly specify other columns as the output, those columns will be used to group the pivot columns. For example:

SELECT B, single_sum_a, single_avg_c, triple_sum_a, triple_avg_c FROM table1 PIVOT (
    SUM(A) AS sum_a, AVG(C) AS avg_c
    FOR A IN (1 as single, 3 as triple)
Contains 1 row for each unique group in B. The pivotVar can also require values to match in multiple columns. For example:
    SUM(A) AS sum_a, AVG(C) AS avg_c
    FOR (A, B) IN ((1, 4) as col1, (2, 5) as col2)