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pandas.Series.combine(other, func, fill_value=None)

Supported Arguments

argument datatypes other requirements
  • Array
  • Series
func - Function that takes two scalar arguments and returns a scalar value.
fill_value scalar Must be provided if the
Series lengths aren't
equal and the dtypes
aren't floats.

Example Usage

>>> @bodo.jit
... def f(S, other):
...   return S.combine(other, lambda a, b: 2 * a + b)
>>> S = pd.Series(np.arange(1, 1001))
>>> other = pd.Series(reversed(np.arange(1, 1001)))
>>> f(S, other)
0      1002
1      1003
2      1004
3      1005
4      1006
995    1997
996    1998
997    1999
998    2000
999    2001
Length: 1000, dtype: int64