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Performance Measurement

This page provides tips on measuring performance of Bodo programs. It is important to keep the following in mind when measuring program run time:

  1. Every program has some overhead, so large data sets may be necessary for useful measurements.
  2. Performance can vary from one run to another. Several measurements are always needed.
  3. Longer computations typically provide more reliable run time information.
  4. It is important to use a sequence of tests with increasing input size, which helps understand the impact of problem size on program performance.
  5. Testing with different data (in terms statistical distribution and skew) can be useful to see the impact of data skew on performance and scaling.
  6. Simple programs are useful to study performance factors. Complex programs are impacted by multiple factors and their performance is harder to understand.

Measuring execution time of Bodo functions

Since Bodo-decorated functions are JIT-compiled, the compilation time is non-negligible but it only happens the first time a function is compiled. Compiled functions stay in memory and don't need to be re-compiled, and they can also be cached to disk (see caching) to be reused across different executions.

To avoid measuring compilation time, place timers inside the functions. For example:

""" computes the value of Pi using Monte-Carlo Integration

import numpy as np
import bodo
import time

n = 2 * 10**8

def calc_pi(n):
    t1 = time.time()
    x = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    y = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    pi = 4 * np.sum(x**2 + y**2 < 1) / n
    print("Execution time:", time.time()-t1, "\nresult:", pi)
    return pi

bodo_calc_pi = bodo.jit(calc_pi)

The output of this code on a single core is as follows:

Execution time: 5.060443162918091
result: 3.14165914

Execution time: 2.165610068012029
result: 3.14154512

Bodo's parallel speedup can be measured similarly:

""" computes the value of Pi using Monte-Carlo Integration

import numpy as np
import bodo
import time

def calc_pi(n):
    t1 = time.time()
    x = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    y = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    pi = 4 * np.sum(x**2 + y**2 < 1) / n
    print("Execution time:", time.time()-t1, "\nresult:", pi)
    return pi

calc_pi(2 * 10**8)

Launched on eight parallel cores:

Execution time: 0.5736249439651147
result: 3.14161474

And the time it takes can be compared with Python performance. Here, we have a 5.06/0.57 ~= 9x speedup (from parallelism and sequential optimizations).

In addition, SPMD launch mode is recommended for performance measurements since it has lower overheads.

Measuring sections inside Bodo functions

We can add multiple timers inside a function to see how much time each section takes:

""" computes the value of Pi using Monte-Carlo Integration

import numpy as np
import bodo
import time

n = 2 * 10**8

def calc_pi(n):
    t1 = time.time()
    x = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    y = 2 * np.random.ranf(n) - 1
    t2 = time.time()
    print("Initializing x,y takes: ", t2-t1)

    pi = 4 * np.sum(x**2 + y**2 < 1) / n
    print("calculation takes:", time.time()-t2, "\nresult:", pi)
    return pi

bodo_calc_pi = bodo.jit(calc_pi)
print("python: ------------------")
print("\nbodo: ------------------")

The output is as follows:

python: ------------------
Initializing x,y takes:  3.9832258224487305
calculation takes: 1.1460411548614502
result: 3.14156454

bodo: ------------------
Initializing x,y takes:  3.0611653940286487
calculation takes: 0.35728363902308047
result: 3.14155538


Note that Bodo execution took longer in the last example than previous ones, since the presence of timers in the middle of computation can inhibit some code optimizations (e.g. code reordering and fusion). Therefore, one should be cautious about adding timers in the middle of computation.

Disabling JIT Compilation

Sometimes it is convenient to disable JIT compilation without removing the jit decorators in the code, to enable easy performance comparison with regular Python or perform debugging. This can be done by setting the environment variable NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT to 1, which makes the jit decorators act as if they perform no operation. In this case, the invocation of decorated functions calls the original Python functions instead of compiled versions.

Load Imbalance

Bodo distributes and processes equal amounts of data across cores as much as possible. There are certain cases, however, where depending on the statistical properties of the data and the operation being performed on it, some cores will need to process much more data than others at certain points in the application, which limits the scaling that can be achieved. How much this impacts performance depends on the degree of imbalance and the impact the affected operation has on overall execution time.

For example, consider the following operation:


Where df has one billion rows, A only has 3 unique values, and we are running this on a cluster with 1000 cores. Although the work can be distributed to a certain extent, the final result for each group of A has to be computed on a single core. Because there are only 3 groups, during computation of the final result there will only be at most three cores active.

Expected Scaling

Scaling can be measured as the speedup achieved with n cores compared to running on a single core, that is, the ratio of execution time with 1 core vs n cores.

For a fixed input size, the speed up achieved by Bodo with increasing number of cores (also known as strong scaling) depends on a combination of various factors: size of the input data (problem size), properties of the data, compute operations used, and the hardware platform's attributes (such as effective network throughput).

For example, the program above can scale almost linearly (e.g. 100x speed up on 100 cores) for large enough problem sizes, since the only communication overhead is parallel summation of the partial sums obtained by np.sum on each processor.

On the other hand, some operations such as join and groupby may require communicating significant amounts of data across the network, depending on the characteristics of the data and the exact operation (e.g. groupby.sum, groupby.nunique, groupy.apply, inner vs outer join, etc.), requiring fast cluster interconnection networks to scale to large number of cores.

Load imbalance, as described above, can also significantly impair scaling in certain situations.