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Creating a Cluster

Clusters are the compute resources that you can use to run your Bodo code in your workspace. This guide explains how to create a cluster on the Bodo Cloud Platform. In the left bar, click on Clusters (or click on the second step in the Onboarding list). This action will take you to the Clusters page. At the top right corner, click Create Cluster, which opens the cluster creation form.


Cluster Basic Configuration


Cluster Name

Choose a name for your cluster.

Instance type

Select the type of nodes in the cluster to be created from the dropdown list. EFA will be used if the instance type supports it.



If the Instance type dropdown list does not populate, either the credentials are not entered properly or they are not valid. Please see how to set your AWS or Azure credentials and make sure your credentials are valid.

Use Spot Instances

This option enables spot instances in the cluster. Use this option to reduce the cost of VMs.



However, it's important to note that selecting this option can also have some drawbacks. For further insights, please refer to the breakdowns associated with AWS and Azure spot instances. Azure Spot, AWS Spot

Number of Instances

This option specifies the number of nodes in your cluster.

Bodo Version

This option specifies the Bodo version to be installed on your cluster. Typically, the three latest Bodo Releases are available.


Cluster Auto Pause

This is the amount of time of inactivity after which the platform will pause the cluster automatically.


Cluster Advanced Configuration

Additionally, you can specify the following advanced configuration options for cluster.


Availability Zone

On AWS only

Select the availability zone where you want to deploy your cluster. By default, this is set to Auto Select.

Auto Stop

Activity is determined through attached notebooks (see how to attach a notebook to a cluster) and jobs (see how to run a job). Therefore, if you don't plan to attach a notebook or a job to this cluster (and use it via ssh instead), we recommend that you to set this to Never, since otherwise, the cluster will be stopped after the set time.

Instance Role

On AWS only

Is the instance role that should be attached to the cluster instances. You can define these in Settings. By default, a new role will be created and attached.

Cluster description

Description for the cluster.

Cluster Instance Type and Size Recommendations

If you were previously running a query on a Snowflake Warehouse this table provides a starting point for what instance type and size you can use to run the query using Bodo. Since this is only a starting point you should experiment to find the best configuration for your specific use case.

Snowflake Warehouse Size Bodo Cluster Spec
2X-Small 1 x i4i.xlarge
X-Small 1 x i4i.2xlarge
Small 1 x i4i.4xlarge
Medium 1 x i4i.8xlarge
Large 1 x i4i.16xlarge
X-Large 1 x i4i.32xlarge
2X-Large 2 x i4i.32xlarge
3X-Large 4 x i4i.32xlarge
4X-Large 8 x i4i.32xlarge
5X-Large 16 x i4i.32xlarge
6X-Large 32 x i4i.32xlarge

Monitoring the Cluster Creation Status

Once you have filled in all the required click on CREATE. You will see that a new task for creating the cluster has been created. The status is updated to INPROGRESS when the task starts executing and cluster creation is in progress.


You can click on the Details drop-down to monitor the progress of the cluster creation.


Once the cluster is successfully created and ready to use, the status is updated to RUNNING.
