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pandas.DataFrame.to_parquet(path, engine='auto', compression='snappy', index=None, partition_cols=None, storage_options=None)

Supported Arguments

  • path is a required argument and must be a string. When writing distributed dataframes, the path refers to a directory of parquet files.
  • engine argument only supports "auto" and "pyarrow". Default: "auto" which uses the pyarrow engine.
  • compression argument must be one of: "snappy", "gzip", "brotli", None. Default: "snappy".
  • index argument must be a constant bool or None. Default: None.
  • partition_cols argument is supported in most cases, except when the columns in the DataFrame cannot be determined at compile time. This must be a list of column names or None. Default: None.
  • storage_options argument supports only the default value None.
  • row_group_size argument can be used to specify the maximum size of the row-groups in the generated parquet files; the actual size of the written row-groups may be smaller then this value. This must be an integer. If not specified, Bodo writes row-groups with 1M rows.


Bodo writes multiple files in parallel (one per core), and the total number of row-groups across all files is roughly max(num_cores, total_rows / row_group_size). The size of the row groups can affect read performance significantly. In general, the dataset should have at least as many row-groups as the number of cores used for reading, but ideally a lot more. At the same time, the row-groups shouldn't be too small since this can lead to overheads at read time. For more details, refer to the parquet file format.

Example Usage

>>> @bodo.jit
... def f():
...   df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,1,3], "B": [4,5,6]})
...   df.to_parquet("dataset.pq")
>>> f()